I am a political economist studying innovation, industry, and international security. Since September 2001, I have been advising industries and ministries on their issues of strategy, planning, and policy. My work aims to inform investors, industrialists, technologists, and policy-makers on how to effect, economically, a secure future.

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22 September 2011


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Tell it to the Marines (and Squids)
Gen Rice; you blue-suiters are all, exclusively, "land-based aviators."

I also liked this implied comic point about Air Force modernization out of the AFA: "...the other services will have to help foot the bill" ( http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/air-force-modernization-needs-will-require-support-of-other-services?a=1&c=1171)

I particularly liked this line from Dan Gouré:

"In view of the fact that it has been nearly thirty years—in the case of bombers around fifty—since many capability areas were modernized, the Air Force would seem to have a strong case."

Uh, I count the F(B)-111 in the '60s and '70s, the B-1B in the '80s, and the B-2 in the '90s. So, negative, Ghostrider, that pattern looks pretty full. At least a lot fuller than anyone else's.

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